ServiceMaster Restore SOCIAL CAMPAIGN

You probably don't spend your day thinking about disaster restoration — and for good reason! This isn't something people often need, so it's a challenge to keep top of mind. When you need it though, you need it ASAP! But who do you turn to for help?

This campaign gives homeowners and business owners a clear answer through catchy, memorable lines and imagery. So, should life's big or small mishaps strike, they immediately know who to call.

Campaign concept       Copywriting       Art direction and design

Campaign concept       
Art direction and design






ServiceMaster Restore noticed that some people were trying to clean up their own water, mold, soot and smoke damage, which often made unfortunate situations even worse. To emphasize the point that their professionals should be the first call, this campaign was developed to build brand and service awareness.





Running a business means being prepared for anything — even fires, floods and extreme weather. To ensure the best results, they need a proactive plan and a trusted partner on their side. This campaign made businesses aware of their action item — creating a preparedness plan — but positioned ServiceMaster Restore as the pros who'd help make it possible.

Project strategy and creative direction:
Rebecca Z. Lee

Project strategy and messaging:
Laura Beth Gabriel

Lead design and art director
Cathy Reese

Creative team and credits:

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